Making power, 
making progress

Developing solar solutions for a cleaner, greener tomorrow.

A commitment to sustainability

Altus Power was founded to address the urgent need to transform the way we generate and consume power. Our mission – to create a clean electrification ecosystem, providing clean energy to every home, business, and electric vehicle– is intrinsically linked to clean, renewable power as the foundation for a sustainable future.

Explore Our Report


Our Environmental Pillar focuses on providing clean, affordable energy to our customers; maintaining a robust environmental management program that ensures we protect the environment in the communities where we operate and build; and helping to make our energy infrastructure more resilient and sustainable.


Our Social pillar focuses on attracting and retaining a team of talented individuals, while offering opportunities for growth and development; building a diverse and inclusive work force; and ensuring a safety-first workplace for our employees through proper training, policies and protocols.


Our Governance Pillar focuses on adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance, ethical business conduct, transparency, honesty, and integrity while developing a strong and resilient company. We believe that strong governance is the foundation on which all resilient and successful companies are built.

Building an energy efficient future

The solar arrays that we build and maintain will produce clean and affordable energy for years to come, displacing utility power generated from fossil

Empowering everyone to reach sustainability goals

Altus Power's solar systems generated 455,000 MWh of solar power in 2022. That is equivalent to emissions from:


Individual homes' electricity usage for a single year*


Gallons of gasoline 
consumed by consumers*


Miles driven by an average 
gasoline-powered vehicle*


Individual homes' electricity usage for a single year*

Powering local environmental and community stewardship


Our end-to-end solution reduces the high initial cost of adding a solar system to your building or business. We manage the project from start to finish and our interests in providing the most reliable product align with yours.

Community Solar

Community solar expands access to solar energy. Great option when there are physical or financial limitations to rooftop installation. Community Solar allows customers to purchase their electricity from a nearby solar project and receive an energy discount!

Environmental Justice

As part of our community solar projects, we are dedicated to expanding access to renewable energy to low- and moderate-income customers. We are working to provide community solar access to thousands of LMI customers in several states.

Prioritizing the highest standards of governance

Altus upholds high corporate governance, reflected in our guidelines and support for ethical sourcing. We urge partners to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our diverse Board brings various perspectives and skills, and we continually review practices to promote transparency and ethical behavior for sustained success.

Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

View Supplier Code of Conduct

AltusPower supports and encourages all the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) adopted unanimously by the UN General Assembly in 2015 for the 2015-2030 horizon.  Altus Power has made a firm commitment to the advancement of these goals.

Our core business of proliferating clean, discounted energy from solar arrays located locally within the communities where our customers consume the power directly supports UN SDGs 7, 11 and 13 and we expect our support to expand further in coming years as we harness the opportunity to offer decarbonization benefits to additional customers across the United States and abroad.  We also have a direct and positive impact on UN SDG 9 through our investment in infrastructure. In addition, we aim to execute our business in a manner which supports UN SDGs 5, 8 and 15 by promoting fair wages, full and productive employment and decent work as well as gender equality and preservation of the environment.
